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Groupement Forestier des Cantons

Our affiliates

Sylva Plus des Sommets Group

Sylva Plus des Sommets Group

Sylva Plus des Sommets is a subsidiary of the Groupement Forestier des Cantons. It was set up in 2015 to respond to specific requests from our customers. Its services are complementary to those offered by the forestry group, specializing in work carried out with small machinery. This allows us to work on sites that would be difficult to access with conventional forestry equipment resulting in an adaptability to a wide range of mandates. Here are the main activities that our teams can carry out on your property.

  • Woodland development
  • Branch chipping
  • Trail construction
  • Planting of small and large trees
  • Development for wildlife (feeding fields, trails, ponds)
  • Fence construction

For all information and requests, please contact Mr. Alexandre Lussier, ing. f. at 819-861-2750.
He will be happy to meet you and offer you services that meet your needs.

Photo 1 et 2

Planting ornamental trees - Creating trails
Photo 1 et 2
Photo 1 et 2

Photos 3 et 4

Forestry Debriefing - Forestry Tractors
Photos 3 et 4
Photos 3 et 4

Photos 5 et 6

Planting small trees with individual protection - Tractor with sprinkler system
Photos 5 et 6
Photos 5 et 6
Photo 7

Photo 7

Building fences
Services forestiers WAS

Services forestiers WAS

Services Forestiers WAS, created in 2013, is a subsidiary owned equally by Groupement Forestier des Cantons and Aménagement Forestier Coopératif des Appalaches. It allows forestry groups in Estrie to occupy a more important place in the industry, to diversify their activities and to ensure stability for their teams. For private forestry, the services offered by the company include forest harrowing, reforestation (deciduous, coniferous, small and large caliber) and brush clearing. Through its CEAF certification, the company can also build roads, and harvest in public forests.

Visit their website :

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